Governors' Questionnaires
Each year the governors survey the parents, pupils and staff of Claytons. The primary reason for doing this is to collect information about how people view the school, to find out what people like and appreciate and also find out what areas the school needs to focus on. It also allows us, year on year, to build up a bank of data which we can use to track the impact of changes and ensure the school remains on the right track.
The first questionnaires were undertaken in 2014/2015, and although we are tweaking the IT systems and presentation of the date, the majority of the questions and the Yes/No answers for some of the questions remain the same. This is partly to ensure that our data can be compared year on year, and partly in order that the questions remain aligned to OFSTED questions. When the school is inspected OFSTED now spend some time analysing data and collecting their own. We have heard through feedback from other schools who have been inspected recently, that having in-house data is very beneficial to the process. However, it is not just about the collection of the data, it is also about the action and impact following the analysis.
The Parent Survey in 2014/2015 clearly showed a need for a review of communication with parents. This was then written into the School Development Plan (available on the Policies page of the website). Following this a new website was created, clearer email communication guidelines were established, and more parental information evenings were planned. The positive impact of these changes were seen in the 2015/2016 survey.
The Pupil Surveys are undertaken via the School Council in school time. The results are presented back to them and the School Council Members take this information back to their classes. This year, as a result of the pupil surveys in 2015-2016, governors are spending some time looking at Physical Education and resources for games at playtimes. They will then feedback their findings to the School Council.
Each year we have reviewed our surveys and made some changes. Our current plan is to use Typeform as an IT package and to align the surveys and run them concurrently in the Spring Term – this should enable more seamless actions based on the analysis.
Parents Surveys
Parents Survey 2017-2018 Parent Survey 2016-17 Parent Survey 2015-2016
Pupil Surveys
The links will pull up a pdf containing the results from the whole school. The first 2 pages show the results from across the school. The following set of pages show the results broken down into sections of the school: Early Years Foundation Stage; EYFS (Nursery and Reception); Key Stage 1 (Years 1&2); Lower Key Stage 2 (Years 3&4); and Upper Key Stage 2 (Years 5&6). The final section shows the answers to the narrative sections displayed as block graphs, again broken down into each section of the School.
Staff Surveys
The results of these are shared across the staff. All staff are encouraged to contribute. In 2015-2016 100% of staff surveyed felt proud to work at Claytons.
If you have any questions relating to the surveys, please contact the Governors via